Ferdi, a monument in print for Ferdina Jansen-Tajiri (1927-1969), X-Press, Baarlo. 500 copies, signed and numbered

The Berlin Wall documents the inner city Wall in 550 photographs as it was in 1969-1970. On the cover the Bösebrücke at the Bornholmer Strasse, 1981.

Catalog Shinkichi Tajiri exhibition, Tokyo Gallery, Japan, April 2 - May 4, 1963

Catalog Tajiri Sculpture, Hamilton Galleries, London, England, June 3 - July 4, 1964

Catalog Tajiri - Drawings & Sculpture 1954 - 1964, American Art Gallery, Kopenhagen, Denmark, November 7 - December 1, 1964

Catalog Tajiri, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April - June 1967

Photobook Seltsame Spiele, a collaboration with Leonard Freed, 1970

Catalog for the exhibition at Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam and the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 1974

Catalog Spiegel der Erinnerungen (Mirrors with Memories), Shinkichi Tajiri's rediscovery of the daguerreotype, Künstlerhaus Bethanien 4, Berlin, Germany, 1976

Tajiri, Silent dynanism and oneness in multiformity, Helen Westgeest, Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen, the Netherlands, 1997

1969 Ferdi, a monument in print for Ferdina Jansen- Tajiri (1927-1969), X-Press, Baarlo. 500 copies, signed and
Tajiri by Tajiri, a brief account of events from 1923, in exhibition catalog Raadhuis Heerlen
1970 Mayday 1, 100 of the same x-press print, signed and numbered
Mayday 2, identical concept - Land Mine, idem
1971 The Wall, Die Mauer, Le Mur, a limited edition booklet, x-press, Baarlo. 100 copies, signed and numbered
Manifest Sonsbeek Buiten perken, NRC Cultural Supplement, June 18, 1971
1972 X Press (wall prints, books, prints), Galerie Judith Wyngarten, Amsterdam
Portrait, Self-portrait and Measurements, project/o set class Tajiri. 250 copies, signed and numbered
1973 18,408 Times my Father or An Exercise in Reduction and Expansion, a homage. 21 X-Press prints, 25
copies, signed and numbered Circa 1913, 1000 color variations of the same X-Press print. A homage to my
father. 40 volumes, each volume contains 25 unique prints. One complete edition
1974 The Vanishing Island, by Ryu Tajiri. printed by Tajiri, X-Press, Baarlo
1990 Walls, photos and text, May 1990 Bulletin of the Association of Friends from the Bonnefantenmuseum,
1993 Shinkichi Tajiri: Autobiographical Notations, Words and Images. Kempen publishers, Eindhoven
2009 Shinkichi Tajiri: The Berlin Wall, published by Tasha BV
2008 Ferdi, Hortisculpture, (oeuvre publication) by Giotta, Ryu and Shinkichi Tajiri. Published by Tasha BV
1950 An American in Paris, Scene, the Pictorial Magazine, Vol. 1 no.12, April
1953 Christian Dotremont: L'Arbre et Arme. A propos d ’une exposition Tajiri-Alechinskyeditions phases,
Kunsthandel Martinet, Amsterdam
1958 Lucebert: Tajiri, Galerie Lucien Durand, Paris
1960 Aldo van Eyck: Hello Shinkichi! Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
1961 Hans i.C. Ja é, H. Brouwer: Tajiri Gemeente Museum, Arnhem
1962 Hans i.C. Ja é: Tajiri in het Nederlands Paviljoen (Tajiri in the dutch pavilion) XXXI Venice Biennale
1963 Shinichi Segui: Shinkichi Tajiri Exhibition Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
1964 Kristian Romare, Patrick Waldberg: Tajiri, Hamiltons Gallery, London– David Sylvester: Tajiri Galerie 20,
1967 Sylvia Nicolas: SF. Shinkichi & Ferdi and some friends Kultureel Centrum, Venlo–
Willemijn Brattinga-Kooy: Tajiri / beelden
1967 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and Groninger Museum, Groningen
1968 Gunnar Jespersen: Recent polyester and illuminated sculptures Court Gallery, Copenhagen
Wieland Schmied: Shinkichi Tajiri, Plastieken und Lichtobjekten, Galerie Contact-Wunstorf, Wunstorf
1970 Leonard Freed: Seltsame Spiele, photo book, Frankfurt-am-Main : Verlag Bärmeier & Nikel
1974 Dick Hillenius: Tajiri, Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam; Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht
1976 Rudi Oxenaar: Zijn voorvaderen waardig, Collection d’Art, Amsterdam
Ed van der Elsken: Spiegels met Herinneringen, 101 daguerreotypieën van Tajiri, Stedelijk Museum,
Amsterdam, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo
German edition: Spiegel mit Erinnerungen, Berlin, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Munich, Bremen
1980 Els Barents: Stereoscopic views by Tajiri, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
1985 Ad Himmelreich, Nicolette Gast: TAJIRI: Fotowerken, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht
1989 Kristian Romare: Klasse Tajiri, twenty years class Tajiri, Hochschule der Künste, Berlin
Bärbel Jäschke: Shinkichi Tajiri, Knots for meditation, Horst Dietrich Galerie, Berlin
1991 Hestia Bavelaar, els Barents, Ida Boelema (eds.): Tajiri, beeldhouwer / sculptor (monograph)
Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht
Willem K. Coumans, Peter Janssen, Marcel Vleugels (eds.): Tajiri, ABP, Heerlen
1995 Stan Petrusa: Portraits of Tajiri, Librije Hedendaagse Kunst, Zwolle
1997 Helen Westgeest: Tajiri. Stille dynamiek en eenheid in pluriformiteit / Silent Dynamism and Oneness in
Multiformity Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen
1998 Sidsel Ramson (ed.): Dialogue, Shinkichi Tajiri, Carl-Henning Pedersen, Else Alfelt, Carl-Henning Pedersen
& Else Alfelt Museum, Herning
2000 Noëlle Kemmerling: Ronin – Werk van Shinkichi Tajiri, Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo
2001 Arie Hartog: TAJIRI
Bildhauerei gegen die Langeweile, Gerhard Marcks-Haus, Bremen
Marcel Vleugels (ed.): 9, rue d’Odessa, The Tajiri genealogy 168-2001 ABP, Heerlen
2002 Willem van Zoetendaal (ed.): Shinkichi Tajiri / De Muur, Fotokabinetten Gemeentemuseum, The Hague
2003 André Stufkens: Tajiri: snelheid, erotiek en geweld, Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen
2007 Rick Vercauteren: De Wachters van Shinkichi Tajiri/ Die Wächter von Shinkichi Tajiri/The Sentinels of
Shinkichi Tajiri Foundation Tajiri Sentinels Maas Bridge, Venlo
2008 Frank van de Schoor, Claus Richter, René Munnik: Shinkichi Tajiri, Machine No.2,
Vereniging van Vrienden van Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen
2009 A. Dijkhuis, J. Engels, G. Verhoogt: Tajiri, Seed no.4, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUe)
2012 Frank van de Schoor (ed.): Tajiri meets Sabine Weiss & Leonard Freed, Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen
2015 Edited by Helen Westgeest, Giotta Tajiri & Ryu Tajiri: Shinkichi Tajiri: Universal Paradoxes, Leiden
Publications, Leiden, the Netherlands
2016 The Mayor Gallery, SHINKICHI TAJIRI, Printed by Birch Print, Heritage House (edition of 500)
2018 Serge Guilbaut, Amanda Herold-Marme, Kaira M. Cabañas, Tom McDonough, Maureen Murphy, Isabel
Plante: Lost, Loose and Loved: Foreign Artists in Paris 1944-1968, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
2020 Paul Farber: A Wall of Our Own: An American History of the Berlin Wall, UNC Press, USA
2023 Tanéa & Shakuru Tajiri Shinkichi Tajiri: The Restless Wanderer, Waanders Uitgevers, NL

Ferdi, Hortisculpture, (oeuvre publication) by Giotta, Ryu and Shinkichi Tajiri, published by the Shinkichi Tajiri Estate (TASHA BV)

Catalog Dialogue - Shinkichi Tajiri, Carl-Henning Pedersen, Else Afelt, Sidsel Ramson (ed.), Carlo Henning Pedersen & Elise Alfelt Museum, Herning, Denmark.

Monograph Shinkichi Tajiri, Hestia Bavelaar, Els Barents, SDU Publisher

Catalog no.1 Velocity, Eroticism and Violence, André Stufkens, Valkhof Museum Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Catalog no.1 Velocity, Eroticism and Violence, André Stufkens, Valkhof Museum Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Shinkichi Tajiri Machine no.2, Frank van de Schoor, Claus Richter, René Munni. Vereniging van Vrienden van Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Tajiri - Seed no.4, A. Dijkhuis, J. Engels, G. Verhoogt, Technical University Eindhoven (TUe), the Netherlands

Tajiri meets Sabine Weiss & Leonard Freed, Frank van de Schoor (ed.), Museum het Valkhof, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 2012

Shinkichi Tajiri: Universal Paradoxes, Edited by Helen Westgeest, Giotta & Ryu Tajiri, Leiden University Press, the Netherlands